
Whilst playing around with my session for I encountered an error I hadn’t seen previously whilst deploying SQL Server on Linux in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) exceed max volume count

The yaml I used was only slightly modified (mainly names) from scripts used on minikube and docker-desktop so I was a little confused as to why I was getting this in AKS.

As it happens, the reason is because I am tight and don’t like spending money! During testing etc I drop my AKS node size to as small as I can have it, in this case it was a Standard_B2s (2CPU / 4GB) which previously I’ve never had issues with until this particular demo.

When playing around with AKS you may have used a single PersistentVolume (or no volumes at all) but this particular setup had:

  • 1 for systemdbs
  • 1 for sql data files
  • 1 for sql log files

Which if you can do maths, equals 3 files. Which is fine for this particular Azure VM size as you can attach 4 disks. However, the issue arises once you start adding additional deployments with the same setup but in a different namespace. This would take me over the threshold of the 4 allowed disks and gives you the error that you have exceeded the max volume count 😦

So how do you fix this?

The options are to either scale up your VM size or alter your deployment to use fewer disks. In my case I could get away with only having 1 disk for systemdbs/data/logs. This is a demo environment so I can do this 🙂